If you possess a car that goes on compressed natural gas (CNG) or if you are considering buying this kind of car you may find useful the new mobile application called CNGvitall. The app, developed for Noncore, helps you find the nearest CNG filling station.
CNGvitall Mobile Application helps you find the nearest filling station for CNG

The mobile application CNGvitall which is available for iPhones and phones using Android offers features such as searching for the nearest CNG filling station including navigation. Each filling station description provides information such as address, phone number, GPS coordinates and a list of services offered. All the filling stations can be displayed on a map, arranged by several criteria or added to the list of favourites.
Nowadays there are about 50 filling stations in the Czech Republic. Therefore the application can be really helpful in case of driving and needing a refill.
If you don’t know what CNG stands for, here is a brief description:
● CNG is an abbreviation for compressed natural gas
● The cost for driving a car using CNG, is currently about half, of those using petrol or diesel.
● Even though CNG is a fossil fuel, it is considered to be ecological. CNG is a mixture of hydrocarbons which main component is methane. CNG is produced from natural resources or from oil extraction
● In comparison with petrol or diesel, natural gas is releasing by 25 per cent less CO2 and NOx and by 50 per cent CO
● There are about 50 filling stations in the Czech Republic and 37 out of those are public. At least another 100 are domestic. Public CNG pumps or incorporated within the regular petrol stations close to the main roads. ● In the Czech Republic there are more than 3600 vehicles using CNG (out of which more than 3000 are cars). In 2011 the number increased by 30 per cent.
● In 2012 CNG has become more popular and Skoda launched a new model of Citigo car using CNG and the next year Skoda wants to launch a new model of Octavia using CNG
● Worldwide there has been an increase of 2.5 million in number of cars using CNG. The application can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play.
The application can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play.