Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna České republiky dnes spustila rozsáhlou osvětovou kampaň na podporu dárcovství krve. Nedílnou součástí této kampaně je mobilní aplikace pro chytré telefony s názvem Daruj krev s VZP, kterou jsme pro největší českou zdravotní pojišťovnu vyvinuli.
Give blood with VZP

The Mobile Application Give Blood with VZP is a big help for current and future possible donors. It offers a full list of 79 blood collection points including information about current blood reserves by blood type. The current state of blood reserves is updated regularly and each blood collection point can call on donors in case of an emergency. All the blood collection points can be shown on a map. One of the useful features is filtering the points by blood types. Donors can use the application for scheduling the next donation and can use direct export to their calendar.
The function provides useful tips and Information about blood donations, and recommendations related to giving blood. In there you can find out why you should give blood, how it works, or what requirements you have to fulfil to be eligible to give blood.
From a survey, carried out on April 2012 by STEM/MARK agency, showed that 30 per cent of the Czech population has given blood at least once. Only 8 people out of 100 give blood regularly. The biggest obstacle is lack of education in this field. 70 per cent of respondents admit they are afraid to give blood. The most frequent fears are pain, needles, injections or after-effects.
The Mobile Application Give Blood with VZP is free to download from the App Store (for iPhones), and from Google Play (for phones using Android).
The app Daruj krev s VZP (Give blood with VZP) is available at App Store (for iPhone) and Google Play (for Android).