We introduced our door-to-door solution during the Mobile Internet Forum 2017 and La Degustation Online conferences. A tablet equipped with our app helps dealers and protects clients.
eMan Blog

TechHeaven: Silicon Valley in Plzeň
2017-09-18TechHeaven is an NGO created with an aim to develop the tech community in Plzeň. It was founded by two great guys who have experience with startups as well as organizing specialized events. We offered them support and took a moment to talk to them.

Ruby on fire on (the) Rails!
2017-09-09The smell of grilled meat rises above the rails. More than 50 enthusiasts in the Ruby programming language meet at Zizkov Freight Station to learn something new. And to enjoy good food, of course.

Come on in, the water’s fine!
2017-09-0522 eMans, 11 boats, 5 cars, 3 motorcycles, 2 camping sites and 1 barking happiness manager. This is not the beginning of a joke, but our canoeing trip on the Ohře river. Even though the thunderstorm tried to scare us off the first evening, we did not give up and enjoyed a great weekend!

One eMan. Six months. Twenty events
2017-07-20The tension in the room becomes unbearable. Adrenaline is pumping through their veins. The audience watches breathlessly as the finale of the championship match reaches its peak. The little plastic football player hits the ball with deadly precision. “Goaaal!”

eMan at HIT career in Hradec Králové
2017-02-22Even in Hradec we are right at home. That’s why we’ve decided to strengthen awareness of our company in this region. On 21 February we paid a visit to the Faculty of Informatics and Management, where the 2017 HIT Career Job Fair was being held.

The Hradec Králové eMan Dev Meetup was held in the spirit of the Internet of Things and Smart Home
2016-08-04The first of a series of developer meetings called eMan Dev Meetup were held in the premises of our new branch in Hradec Králové earlier this week. Roughly two dozen Internet of Things and technology enthusiasts came to verify that embarking on building a smart home by yourself is not difficult.

Mobile app made by eMan will familiarize you with the TEDx events
2014-06-18We all in eMan are fans of sharing ideas that are worth spreading. That is the reason why we decided to become a partner of the world-wide known TEDx movement in Prague. Under the terms of the partnership we developed a mobile application TEDxPrague which enables participants of the upcoming conference titled "under the surface" to have all the information at hand.

Prague was occupied by Google Glass hackers last weekend
2014-05-27The event contributed to the largest gathering of Google Glass in one place not even in the Czech Republic, but probably even in the whole Europe. Czech Republic is known as the "glass power" with 15 Czech Glass Explorers up to date. Developers once again showed the enthusiasm for this technology and thanks to sufficient [...]

eMan together with Samsung organizes seminars dedicated to the use of mobile technologies
2013-06-06eMan company has been trying to educate the market in the field of the use of mobile technologies in business and other areas of life in a long term. A part of these efforts is a series of seminars mBusiness Sessions. The first meeting, which took place on the 5th of June 2013, bore the subtitle “Mobile solutions as an effective tool for business.” eMan organized this event in cooperation with the Czech subsidiary of Samsung.