eMan Blog

Flutter mobile app

Let’s Develop a Mobile App in Flutter (3/3)

We already know how to create dialogues and use Dart. In the last article of this series, we will finally get to the creation of a more complex app. We’ll also discuss how to tackle the support of a platform dependent app. Let’s do this!

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eMan Do práce na kole 2018

Getting up before dawn has its perks

This year eMan once again participated in the Bike To Work competition. And we rocked it; we won the title of Prague’s most bike-oriented employer of 2018 and our COO Michal Kosek is this year’s second-best performing cyclist. What did our teams experience during their rides and how did we support them?

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e.on econtracts eman iea 2018

E.ON EContracts won the IEA 2018 competition

eMan is no stranger to the most important Czech competition evaluating the effectivity of digital projects. This year we took first place in the energy and utility category with our E.ON EContracts solution. And our Škoda OneApp came second in the mobile apps category.

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selfcar app, customer service app

Self-service is the future of customer care

“To repeat the selection, press star.” Automated voices and being on hold tend to irritate most of us. For quite a long time, self-service apps were considered a nice plus but nowadays they are becoming the foundation of outstanding customer care. Why is that and what can be done about it?

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Localization with to-the-room accuracy fast and easy (4/4)

The last article of this series will present the fingerprinting method. It does not use actual fingerprints but rather prints of wireless networks around a building. This will allow us to determine a location with a to-the-room accuracy in the building. Let’s see how it’s done!

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software tester, martin matuna

All you do is play with the app…

“So you just play with the app?” was a question I received from one of my friends after telling him that I’m a Software Tester, followed by “I can do that!” which made me wonder a bit. Quality Assurance is not just about wildly clicking on every button in the app, at least not for us at eMan.

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Flutter mobile app

Let’s Develop a Mobile App in Flutter (2/3)

Language Dart you need to know if you want a Flutter flow. That’s why we’ll have a look at how to write and design in Flutter. We’ll answer the basic question: Why does it work cross-platform? And we’ll also call a native service for the given platform.

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smart tv eman

How to develop apps for a smart TV while trying not to cry (3/3)

What puzzles are to be solved when designing the architecture of a TV app? What stack is good to use? In the last article of this series we’ll present approaches, tools, and frameworks for smart TV app development. We’ll also share 7 first hand tips that may come in handy.

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smart tv eman

How to develop apps for a smart TV while trying not to cry (2/3)

The difference between a mobile app and an app for a smart TV is huge. This article will present the life of a smart TV user. We’ll focus on their comfort while navigating through the app. Find out how to define the navigation around the app and what features cannot be missed.

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localization, dominik matoulek, eman

Localization with a to-the-room accuracy fast and easy (3/4)

This and the next article will present localization in buildings using wireless networks. Let’s start with multilateration that is used by the army, for example. How does it work, how can we use it and what should we look out for?

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