eMan Blog

eMan and BigBow bring the internet of things in the world of sports

BigBow helps sports players to achieve better performance by providing detailed information on various performance and game parameters. All the information is available on the web almost in a real time in the form of detailed statistics and charts (fully responsive web of the BigBow company can be comfortably browsed on mobile phones and tablets as [...]

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Applications dTest and Tabletenky achieved a great success in the IEA 2013 competition

dTest mobile application is a favourite tool for goods selection and shopping. Success in other competitions could serve as a proof. It won the 2nd place in the Mobile Application of the Year 2013 in the category Media and won in the category Application for masses on the ninth AppParade. The app Tabletenky is the [...]

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Prague was occupied by Google Glass hackers last weekend

The event contributed to the largest gathering of Google Glass in one place not even in the Czech Republic, but probably even in the whole Europe. Czech Republic is known as the "glass power" with 15 Czech Glass Explorers up to date. Developers once again showed the enthusiasm for this technology and thanks to sufficient [...]

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How the new web www.eman.cz was created

After half a year of preparation we launched a new version of our website www.eman.cz at the beginning of March. In addition to a completely new design the web offers above all comfortable browsing on various types of devices such as PCs, tablets and mobile phones.

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Applications Pojišťovna, Praha and Rossmann CZ overwhelmed the competitions IT Project of the Year 2013 and Fénix Content Marketing

February 13, 2013 was a happy day for eMan. Mobile apps Pojišťovna and Praha was awarded the highest prize in the IT Project of the Year 2013. Our app Rossmann CZ was ranked on the 1st place in the category of mobile applications in the first year of the Fénix Content Marketing competition.

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Residents of Pilsen can make an appointment with the municipal authority via mobile app made by eMan

Residents of West Bohemian metropolis got their Christmas gift in advance in the form of mobile application for smartphones and tablets. Application named “Plzeň-občan” (Pilsen-Citizen) offers a range of practical features such as the possibility to make an appointment with the municipal authority or to get the current traffic information. The application was developed by eMan for the municipal authority of Pilsen.

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Mobile apps Horská služba (Mountain Rescue) and Tabletenky suceeded in WebTop100 competition

Mobile applications developed by eMan was ranked 1st and 3rd place in the category of mobile solutions in the prestigious WebTop100 competition. The top spot belonged to the app Horská služba (Mountain Rescue), which was developed by eMan for Česká pojišťovna and Czech Mountain Rescue Service. The third place occupied the app Tabletenky, which we developed for Aaron Group.

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Mobile application “Praha chytře” will make the life of Prague´s residents and visitors easier

From now, the mobile app “Praha chytře” is available for all Prague´s residents and visitors with the goal to facilitate the day-to-day life in the capital. The application provides you varied information on cultural programs, traffic, Prague news, municipal and other authorities, pharmacies and even enables you to report vandalism. eMan developed this application for the municipal authority of the city of Prague.

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Verify your solvency via Kreditbook service developed by eMan

Kreditbook is a new practical tool for those who want to verify their credit risks or to protect themselves from execution and overindebtedness. When applying for a loan, Kreditbook can help you achieve significantly lower interest rate. Kreditbook also serves as a great tool for real estate lessors or loan providers. Kreditbook services are available through the web or mobile apps for Android or iOS (iPhone). This complex solution was developed by eMan for the Kreditbook company.

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eMan developed an application for the world´s leading analytical company IDC

The world´s leading analytical company IDC presented mobile application IDC Research Reader developed by eMan. The app is aimed at the global market and provides its users the access to published studies, research, press releases or graphic materials. By the help of this app, all owners of the Apple iPad can comfortably view and further process information from the newest IDC research. - See more at: http://test.eman.cz/wp/en/en/blog-en#sthash.3iZCjA23.dpuf

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