Application dTest won an Application for masses award at ninth year of AppParade mobile applications show. The price is awarded by, the main partner of the event. The vote of the audience ranked dTest at a fifth place. In total, 18 projects tried to win the favour with the audience.
eMan Blog

Popular application mParkovani already available for Android
2012-12-02The mobile app mParkovani is now available for owners of smartphones with Android. Following the versions for iPhone and OS Bada motorists, who strongly developed the taste for Android, finally lived to see the new version.

eMan is a partner of the conference MS Fest 2012
2012-11-27eMan company is a partner of the traditional two-day conference MS Fest 2012. The event, which is held the 1st and the 2nd of December at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Prague quarter Dejvice, will offer a bunch of interesting lectures related to Microsoft product

Application Tabletenky finds the cheapest tickets to the whole world
2012-11-20We all in eMan love traveling, that is why we really enjoyed the development of the mobile application Tabletenky. The app is the first Czech-Slovak application for Apple mobile devices to compare the prices of air tickets. So if you have an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch and plan to make a trip, do not hesitate to try Tabletenky. You will find the cheapest air tickets in an instant.

eMan won a tender for a mobile application for Prague
2012-11-08eMan company was successful in the competitive tendering for a mobile application development for the capital city of Prague. The interest in the realization of this public contract was shown by the total number of five candidates. eMan came out as a winner of the tender thanks to the lowest offered price

Download dTest – practical assistant and shopping advisor
2012-10-29Few days ago we completed the dTest mobile application, which we developed for Civil Consumer Association TEST, publishing a well-known consumer magazine dTest.

eMan has moved to new representative office space
2012-10-22We moved to new office space last week. Our headquarters still remain in the area of a Korunní dvůr in Prague quarter of Vinohrady, we just moved to new, more representative and above all larger premises, which finally meet our needs. Nevertheless, new offices are still waiting for final furniture and other equipment arrangement. In spite of this fact, we organized a regular company-wide eMan gathering on Friday,

eMan has been awarded in the Internet Effectiveness Awards
2012-09-21eYesterday eMan scored in this year’s prestigious competition the Internet Effectiveness Awards. During the ceremonial, held in Lucerna Palace in Prague, Horská Služba mobile application received following awards:

Bimbuli Sprites are coming into your tablet
2012-09-10eMan just launched a new mobile application called Bimbuli Sprites. Thanks to a tablet device, children can dive into the world of sprites from the Bimbuli planet. The application, consisting of colouring pictures, helps to expand children’s visual awareness. The author of the pictures is well-known artist Romana Andělová.

We visited Google IO Keynote 2012
2012-06-28Today we finally opened keynote Google IO in San Francisco. After a few minutes of waiting without internet connection (the 3G connection collapsed as did Wi-Fi) we entered the conference hall.