eMan Blog

Eva Čeřovská – Operations & Sales Consultant

Humans of eMan: Eva Čeřovská

Eva can't imagine a life without dancing, and we can't imagine life without Eva. Countless colleagues at eMan have relied on her work for the past couple of years, and some internal systems would not run at all without her. Meet Eva in the newest installment of Humans of eMan!

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Czech IT company eMan starts its own investment fund, focusing on fintech and digitalization [PRESS RELEASE]

The Prague software house is establishing an investment fund, called eMan Innovations. It will focus on Czech and international projects with global ambitions.

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Design systems: A More Effective Way Of Digital Product Development

UX/UI designers and developers have been working with design systems for many years now. Still, a lot of people don't know what they're good for. When can they save you time and what should you look out for when working with one?

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Automotive OS: what can we expect?

Since 2017, when Google first officially introduced Android Automotive OS (AAOS) to the public, this operating system has been slowly seeing more light on car dashboards. How is AAOS doing in 2021, and could it be a revolution like the one Android enjoyed on the mobile phone scene years ago?

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Government Office 4.0. Current reality or distant future?

Cities invest millions of CZK a year in digitalization. Electronic payments for waste collection and parking, electronic submission of subsidy applications, online enrollment of children into kindergarten – this is what the digitalization of government offices in 2021 looks like.

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The shortage of IT experts will persist; everyone is already looking abroad, claims Kiwi.com’s Oliver Dlouhý

According to statistics, the lack of qualified workers in the field of information technology has plagued the Czech market for years. The manifest excess in demand over supply is influenced not only by a lack of students in the related fields, but also by the enduring record low Czech unemployment, and the state of the domestic economy.

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Ordinary reality is no longer enough for companies; they are moving their processes to the virtual environment

Although still in their relative infancy, augmented and virtual realities are already being used in many companies in the Czech Republic. They are currently employed not only, for example, in aviation, but also in (practically) everyday activities such as high-quality visualizations and data presentation – even the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) is using them.

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eMan a Founding Member of AAVIT [PRESS RELEASE]

In the spring of this year, the Association for Applied Research in IT (Czech: AAVIT) was established to support the Czech IT sector. Its main agenda includes, for example, the digitization of state administration and the establishment of GDP in the field of applied research. The Prague software house eMan is one of the founding members.

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Why consulting increases business efficiency

Everyone needs advice sometimes, and this is doubly true when making business decisions. Experienced business consultants help you orient yourself in the rapidly changing world of technology.

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Meet Jose – our North American leader who fell in love with Czechia while roaming around the countryside on his motorcycle. Learn more about him in this, our next installment of Humans of eMan!

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