eMan Blog

Clean, PET free water – a story of eMan reducing plastic waste

Nowadays, you see plastic waste everywhere... It’s about time to reduce its usage as much as possible. That is why we are supporting a project called FILTERMAC, which aims to reduce the usage of plastic bottles. Thanks to our initiative, university students did not have to use over 132,000 half-liter PET bottles.

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Jazzy takes care of all your software documentation needs

In the world of IT, it’s said that some documentation is better than no documentation. While that’s true, you can still encounter quite a lot of difficulties when working with any given documentation. That’s why a tool named Jazzy exists. Jazzy is a tool that can generate documentation with a single command. It saves you time and gets rid of the need for lengthy “rewrites” of the code for people who want to understand it. Let’s have a look at how this handy tool works.

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IoT Technology: Sigfox (4/5)

In previous articles, we covered two technologies that are not dependent on any telephone service provider. So, if you’re brave enough, you can use them for your awesome solutions while eliminating the need to pay any fees. Today, let’s talk about a different case, called Sigfox.

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Swiftlint – Linter for iOS

Sometimes, in a developer’s life, there appears a tool which can significantly facilitate mutual communication. A tool one can use to prevent a burst of anger and uncontrollable rage. One of these lifesavers is this beautiful linter I will briefly introduce to you today.

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eMan at Brno Space Days

We have long been interested in the aerospace industry and simply could not miss out on the jam-packed Brno Space Days program. Though navigating the D1 highway to Brno is often more challenging than covering intergalactic distances, we brought back plenty of inspiration and new stimuli with us.

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Action packed 2018 and 138 hours of awesomeness

We roll not only while producing software solutions. We had 30 events for our colleagues in 2018. We enjoy spending time together also outside of work. Last year it took us whole 138 hours! Interested to find out everything that happened?

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IT Recruiter presents: Awesome tips for your job interview

How do you prepare for an interview and what should you wear as a developer? What can you expect overall from the interview? And what to do when you’re not the chosen one? Our IT recruiter presents a few tips from her everyday work

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IT Recruiter presents: Awesome tips for you CV

What should I, as a Developer, put in my CV? That’s a question we all ask, no matter if we just finished school, or already have solid work experience in the field. Is a Curriculum Vitae even needed? And what to do about me really, really, not wanting to talk over the phone? Our IT recruiter presents a few tips from her everyday work.

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IoT Technology: LoRa and LoRaWAN (3/5)

In 2012, a technology that can process signals which are close to the noise level while operating in license-free bands was born. How does LoRa (Long Range) and LORAWAN work? What are their pros and cons, and usages in real life?

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Jiri Horyna, CEO eMan, eMan CEO, Horyna Jiri

Jiri Horyna: We want to continue expanding abroad

When a new year begins, you reflect on the past one and plan for the one ahead. So naturally, it’s the best time to talk with our CEO Jiri Horyna about eMan’s plans for 2019.

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