Download dTest – practical assistant and shopping advisor

Few days ago we completed the dTest mobile application, which we developed for Civil Consumer Association TEST, publishing a well-known consumer magazine dTest.

This application serves as a practical assistant and shopping advisor helping with selection of goods. It can be also useful while struggling with various consumer problems, such as complaints or returning goods from e-shops. Next time you will be selecting a new washing machine or camera, remember where you will find the right advice which particular product to choose and what to beware of. Moreover, the application is not aimed just at purchases of expensive goods – dTest will help you even when buying a ketchup or fish fingers.

Apart from testing products (which you can search manually or via bar code reader) and shopping assistant, the application also provides a database of dangerous goods and food additives.

If you are an owner of a mobile phone with OS Android, you can download a dTest application for free through Google Play. Version for iPhone will be available in upcoming days. Subscribers to the dTest magazine  have automatically access to all results published within the application.

Android version screenshots

UPDATE November 26, 2012: The iPhone version also available for download.


Tomas Cermak
Member of the Board of Directors, eMan a.s. & CMO