The biggest news on this year's Google I/O 17 was that Kotlin has become the official language on Android. Google finally heard the voice of the community which has been calling for the support of Kotlin for several years already.
eMan Blog

Xamarin: The structure of the Android project (part 5)
2016-11-28In the next installment of our series on the topic of Xamarin, we will be delving into an introduction of the structure of the Android project, which is completely different from iOS.

Xamarin: Structure of the iOS project (part 4)
2016-07-01In the previous parts, we had the opportunity to try out basic applications in Xamarin and in the Visual Studio project. Before we begin to address the steps for creating more complex applications, we will take a gradual look at the structure of iOS first, then an Android project.

Xamarin: Hello world ve Visual Studiu (part 3)
2016-04-29In the last segment of our Xamarin series we focused on creating the HelloWorld iOS application using Xamarin Studio. Based on the feedback from the previous article, I decided that in order not to deprive those who want to realize their projects in Visual Studio, I would dedicate today's segment just to them.

Xamarin: First steps (part 2)
2016-03-23In the last part of our series on the development of mobile applications at Xamarin, we briefly introduced Xamarin Framework. Now we’ll take a look at the initial steps that accompany the development of basic applications.

Xamarin: Introducing a tool for cross-platform development of mobile applications (Part 1)
2016-02-29Fast and efficient development of mobile applications for multiple platforms is neither simple nor cheap. Developers may use a variety of tools for this purpose. At eMan we bet on Xamarin, which came under the wing of Microsoft just a few days ago. In this series, we will gradually introduce this tool to you in detail.

The 10 most common myths about mobile application development
2016-01-26The development of mobile applications is cheap. Designing a good application is a breeze. The users can find and download quality applications themselves. And so on. Yes, mobile application development is shrouded in numerous myths. We’ve put together a practical overview which should finally make things clear for you.

We really understand the security of mobile solutions. And we are not afraid to talk about it
2015-10-07The security of mobile applications has been a big topic recently. This area should not be underestimated. Our expert on this issue Vladimír Toman spoke about this at the conference The World of Informatics in Finance yesterday. The event took place at the City Conference Center in Prague.

Prague was occupied by Google Glass hackers last weekend
2014-05-27The event contributed to the largest gathering of Google Glass in one place not even in the Czech Republic, but probably even in the whole Europe. Czech Republic is known as the "glass power" with 15 Czech Glass Explorers up to date. Developers once again showed the enthusiasm for this technology and thanks to sufficient [...]

eMan is the first in CR to start developing applications for Google Glass
2013-06-13eMan company is the first developer studio in the Czech Republic, which started to develop applications for Google Glass. We own the first piece that came to the Czech Republic.