Our corporate website eMan.cz gained the great second place in the category of IT companies in the 13th year of the prestigious competition WebTop100.
Web eMan.cz won 2nd place in the competition WebTop100
The ceremonial announcement of the results took place in the City Conference Centre in Prague Pankrac on November 6, 2014. Martin Veselovský, in the role of presenter, gradually revealed the names of the best current Czech websites.
The present shape of our site saw the light of day in March of this year. You can read about what preceded it in the article How was our new web www.eman.cz created. During the months following, we enriched the pages with a lot of new content. Besides the Czech version of the site, we gradually also added an English and German version of the site.
You can find the complete results of the competition on the website of the WebTop100.