Whether you‘re planning a new project or just thinking about a digitalization solution, we will advise you across the board. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for – we’ll figure it out together.
A clever deployment of modern technologies brings your business greater efficiency, speed, and reduced costs. Use our experience and gain the competitive advantage.
Trendy ve světě technologií se každou chvílí mění a vy se v nich můžete často ztrácet. Od toho jsme tu my, abychom vás rychle zorientovali, podělili se s vámi o naše know-how a pomohli vám najít optimální řešení vaší situace.
Přidaná hodnota projektu může mít mnoho podob a vazbu na různé oblasti – finanční přínos, uživatelský komfort nebo třeba zjednodušení procesu. Společně tuto přidanou hodnotu najdeme a postavíme ji do popředí vašeho řešení.
Nedílnou součástí skvělých projektů je zpravidla dobrá komunikace a partnerský přístup. Proto vítáme jakoukoli zpětnou vazbu, která vás při konzultacích napadne. Čím více informací k projektu budeme mít, tím lépe dokážeme najít nejvhodnější řešení.
Trends in the world of technology are changing every moment, and you can often get lost in them. That’s why we are here to promptly orient you, share our know-how, and help you find the optimal solution for your situation.
The added value of a project can take many forms and be linked to various areas: financial benefits, user comfort, simplification of a process. Together, we will pinpoint this added value and put it at the forefront of your solution.
As a rule, good communication and a partnership approach are an integral part of any great project. Therefore, we welcome any feedback that occurs to you during our consultation sessions. The more information we have about your project, the better we can find the most suitable solution.
We provide you with it consultation
We analyze the processes in your organization and propose measures for their improvement, as well as tools for their measurement (KGl, KPI,…). In addition to reviewing the utilization of your software tools, we will set up reporting, optimize processes, and safeguard reingineering. We will support your BPM with suitable tools and calculate the return on investment.
We will recommend which applications to run in the cloud, inclucing designing or implementing projects for transition to the cloud. We will supply the most suitable Software as a Service (SAAS).
We will use a mobile solution for on-demand reporting, while carrying out your list of requirements, design, and implementation.
We will introduce you to the current mobile trends.
We will support your business, marketing, and management processes with recommendations suitable for each individual area. We will perform a feasibility study and requirements analysis, design a solution, deliver an implementation plan, and evaluate the risks.
We will create a system integration concept and provide a specific design. According to this, we will implement system integration in the form of program/project management.
We will present the current trends and create Mobile Device Management for you. We will design and recommend the most suitable security measures.
We elevate you to modern technologies and solutions.
We launch and implement related projects.
We prepare you for auditing or stabilize your projects.
We introduce optimized project management.
We implement and set up a team management tool.
We teach and lead your project managers.
We will get back to you as soon as possible. If you prefer to make a phone call, we are available at + 420 222 202 222.
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eMan owns following certificates
ISO 9001, ISO 10006, ISO 14001, ISO 20000, ISO 27001 and TISAX.
eMan owns following certificates
ISO 9001, ISO/IEC27001, ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018, ISO14001 and TISAX