In recent decades, the web – and web applications – have changed significantly, not only with respect to e-commerce and services, but our entire lives. Transform your business models into the digital world and achieve sustainable and long-term success in it.
At a time when half the internet users are browsing web pages on a smartphone screen, you cannot do without a responsive mobile website. Your customers will be happy to return to a functional and user-friendly website.
Uvažujete o nové landing page? Chcete kompletně předělat své webové stránky? Nebo si nejste přesně jisti, jakou cestou se vydat? Zkušenosti máme s projekty všech velikostí, proto vás navedeme správným směrem.
Web nebo webovou aplikaci jsme schopni připravit kompletně od A až do Z. Obstaráme vše – od vývoje přes architekturu, UX/UI design, testování až po samotný provoz.
Chcete web rozšířit? Potřebujete poradit s některou funkcí webové aplikace? Žádný problém, naše podpora a servis jsou tu pro vás i po úspěšném spuštění našeho společného projektu.
Are you considering a new landing page? Do you want to completely redesign your website? Or are you not sure exactly which way to go? We have experience with projects of all sizes, and we will guide you in the right direction.
We are able to prepare a website or web application completely from A to Z. We take care of everything – from development to architecture, UX/UI design, testing, and the operation itself.
We do good work, and we‘re glad that this has been praised not only by our clients, but also by juries in professional competitions. We boast a number of awards.
The typical development process has 4 steps: planning, analysis and design, development and distribution, and, finally, service. We develop agilely so you will have the possibility of changing anything during the process. And this, of course, carries lower risks.
We will get back to you as soon as possible. If you prefer to make a phone call, we are available at + 420 222 202 222.
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PX Start at Prague Stock Exchange.
eMan owns following certificates
ISO 9001, ISO 10006, ISO 14001, ISO 20000, ISO 27001 and TISAX.
eMan owns following certificates
ISO 9001, ISO/IEC27001, ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018, ISO14001 and TISAX